2023-2024 / VETE2068-1

Medicine, dentistry and general surgery for pets and equines, including principles of EBM


30h Th, 12h Clin. Pr.

Number of credits

 Veterinary surgeon3 crédits 


Frédéric Billen, Stéphanie Claeys, Catherine Delguste, Sigrid Grulke


Stéphanie Noël


Sigrid Grulke

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the second semester


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

This teaching unit includes the following chapters:

- general surgery

- wound healing and treatment: companion animals (CA) and horses

- dentistry (CA and horses)

- first consultation in CA

- management of the most frequent clinical situations in CA practice

- management of the most frequent clinical situations in equine practice

- evidence-based (veterinary) medicine (EB(V)M)

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

- to gain the basic knowledge needed to understand the medical and surgical pathologies seen in bloc 2
- to prepare the students to deal with the most common clinical situations in their future profesional life
- to understand and apply the basics of EB(V)M, and critically appraise medical literature

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Basic knowledge in anatomy and physiology of domestic animals as well as propedeutic.

EBM: understanding of scientific english, statistics, epidemiology, bibliographic research and information criticism.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Six practical sessions are organized: equine colic approach, orthopaedic exam part 2 (EQ), clinical activity in EQ, cutaneous drains (CA), cutaneous sutures on cadavers (CA), bandages (CA).

For the practical activities of this teaching unit, students should know and apply biosecurity rules available at this address : https://www.fmv-biosecurite.ulg.ac.be/

Presence of the students is MANDATORY. Any delay or absence must be communicated to Lorena Macas for CA (lmacas@uliege.be) and Eléonore Benini (ebenini@uliege.be) for EQ. The missed practical session must be followed later by inserting another group after confirmation with Lorena Maca (for CA sessions) or Carine Gatez (Carine.Gatez@uliege.be for EQ sessions). Any non excused absence exposes the student to being inadmissible to the theoretical exam.

Films exposing suture techniques, cutaneous drains and bandages must be viewed before going to the 3 sessions in CA. Those films are accessible on ecampus.

The EBM part includes 3 hours online complementary lectures of papers (please look for precision in ecampus TD).

If the theorethical exam is not validated, students do not have to follow the practical activities a second time as soon as they reached the pass level for those activities.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Blended learning

Additional information:

Distance learning for the EBM practicals

Recommended or required readings

Course notes will be available on ecampus.

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire, open-ended questions )

Additional information:

A written exam will be organized on each session. There are MCQ and QROC questions. EBM exam is with open support.

The final mark results from a combination of 85% for general medicine and surgery, and 15% for EBM. A final mark < 10/20 will result in the student having to sit the exam again for the entire content of the course. 

Concerning practical sessions, if 100 % of the competences of the course VETE2068 of the clinical competence folder are not validated, the student will obtain a note "absent" for this course.

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course



Association of one or more MOOCs