2024-2025 / Advanced Master

Industrial Pharmacy

60 crédits

Cycle view

  • Bloc
  • Organization
  • Theory
  • Practical
  • Others
  • Credits

Compulsory courses

PHIN2034-1BiotechnologiesB1TA   7
Concepts and production of protein and oligonucleotide biopharmaceuticals
David Vermijlen
Living biopharmaceuticals, vaccines and biosecurity
Véronique Fontaine
Managing the risk of the release of cell and genetic products   3-- 
Formulation of biopharmaceuticals
Rita Vanbever
Quality control and analytical techniques in biopharmaceuticals, good practice and legal recommendations, part A   5-- 
Quality control and analytical techniques in biopharmaceuticals, good practice and legal recommendations, part B (post-translational modifications)
Cédric Delporte
From the laboratory to the pharmacy: legal requirements - part a: Patents and industrial protection
Patrick Di Stefano
From the laboratory to the pharmacy: legal requirements - part b: Statutes and regulatory constraints on biological products
Hugues Malonne
From the laboratory to the pharmacy: legal requirements - part c: Procedure for releasing batches and the legal framework of vaccines
Lorenzo Tesolin
From the laboratory to the pharmacy: legal requirements - part d: Organisation of quality assurance
Thierry Pronce
From the laboratory to the pharmacy: legal requirements - part e: Introduction to Biobanking   3-- 
PHIN2004-1Active substancesB1TA   4
Substances issues de recherches pharmacochimiques, part a   10-- 
Substances issues de recherches pharmacochimiques, part b
François Dufrasne
Substances d'origine naturelle, part a
Joëlle Leclercq
Substances d'origine naturelle, part b
Caroline Stevigny
Produits radiopharmaceutiques
Zena Wimana
PHIN2008-2Clinical viewpointsB1TA   5
Métabolisme des médicaments et paramètres pharmacocinétiques
François-Xavier Mathy
Aspects théoriques et pratiques des études cliniques (y compris les méthodes statistiques appliquées aux études cliniques)   15-- 
Information et pharmacovigilance   10-- 
PHIN2013-2Quality assurance and pharmaceutical managementB1TA   7
Principles of pharmaceutical management
Jean-Michel Vanderhofstadt
Quality assurance, part a: basic concepts and quality assurance organisation
Thierry Pronce
Quality assurance, part b: analytical technology of procedures and risk analysis
Xavier Marcelis
English applied to the pharmaceutical industry
Jacques Poupaert, Nevin Serbest
Pharmaceutical marketing   7,5-- 
Pharmaceutical technologyB1TA   5
Industrial pharmaceutical microbiology
Véronique Fontaine
Preformulation and selection of galenical forms
Jonathan Goole
Industrial production of galenical forms   15-- 
Industrial aspects of technological development including packaging   10-- 
PHIN2023-1Drug analysisB1TA   6
Analytical control practices and pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical control - part a
Pierre Van Antwerpen
Analytical control practices and pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical control - part b   5-- 
Pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical analytical methods - Approving and certifying equipment   12-- 
Pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical analytical methods - Process Analytical Technology   5-- 
Statistical methods applied to the pharmaceutical industry
Laure Elens
Experimental planning and quality by design   10-- 
PHIN2029-2Regulation and the medical-social environmentB1TA   8
Economic aspects of drug development   10-- 
Legislation and procedures applied to pharmaceutical industry - part a: Leglislation
Catherine Druez
Legislation and procedures applied to pharmaceutical industry - part b: Patents and industrial protection
Patrick Di Stefano
Macroeconomic environment and pharmaco-economics
Hugues Malonne
CTD File (Common Technical Document)   15-- 
Regulations of preclinical and clinical studies: Pharmaceutical toxicological files
Karen Van Malderen
Regulations of preclinical and clinical studies: Clinical studies
Anne Lenaers
Regulations of preclinical and clinical studies: Pediatric studies
Thierry Schurmans
Specific regulatory issues, part a: medicine and herbal dietary supplement   5-- 
Specific regulatory aspects, part b: Preformulation and documentation of galenic development
Francis Vanderbist
Belgian and European legislation on clinical trials
PHIN2032-1Visits and seminars organised in the pharmaceutical industry - [75h Visit]
François Dufrasne, Marianne Fillet, Joëlle Leclercq, Rita Vanbever
MTFE2000-1End-of-course work carried out during an internship in the pharmaceutical industry or in a university research lab - [12w Stage de contact]
François Dufrasne, Philippe Hubert, Joëlle Leclercq