2024-2025 / Master

Engineering of conflict prevention and management

120 crédits

Block view

  • Organization
  • Theory
  • Practical
  • Others
  • Credits

Block 1

The full programme is available at the following link: https://www.hepl.be/fr/ingenierie-prevention-gestion-conflits

ULiège compulsory courses

DROI1342-1Tribunals, disputse and subjects of the law Q145--6
SOCI0009-1Introductory seminar to organisational analysis - [15h Seminar] Q115-[+]3
METO0827-1Introduction to social sciences research TA3015-5
PSYC1010-1Systemic Psychology Q130--3
DROI1343-1Law and interpersonal and conflictual relationships Q230--3
DROI1344-1Concepts of employment and social security law Q230--3
MEDC0009-1Introduction to mediation Q230--3
SOCI2271-1Sociology of law, justice and mediation Q215--3
SOCI2272-1Socio-anthropological approach to interculturality Q2164-3
PSYC5903-1Conflict resolution methods Q24515-6

Block 2

The full programme is available at the following link: https://www.hepl.be/fr/ingenierie-prevention-gestion-conflits

ULiège compulsory courses

DROI1346-1Alternative approaches to conflict resolution Q130--3
SOCI0760-1Complex approaches to mediation and intermediation Q124--3
SOCI2256-1Social and cultural mediation Q115--3
PSYC0928-1Clinical psychopathology Q130--3

ULiège optional courses

Choose courses totalling 7 ECTS from the following :

CRIM0015-1Police and policing in Belgium Q130--3
GEST0953-1Management of organizations Q225--3
PSYC5910-1Psychology of diversity Q130--3
SOCI0769-1Socio-legal aspects of collective labour relations Q130--3
DROI1254-1Occupational health law Q115--3
DROI1902-1Employment contract law Q230--3
SOCI0752-1Introduction to gender studies, Theory course Q130--3