2024-2025 / Master

MSc. in Biomedical Engineering, professional focus

120 crédits

Cycle view

  • Bloc
  • Organization
  • Theory
  • Practical
  • Others
  • Credits
Depending on your track record or your professional/research focus, some prerequisites/corequisites of your first year program might appear in bloc 2. You are therefore invited to go through the list of courses suggested in bloc 2 even if you enroll for the first time in this master program.

To complete their curriculum, students must earn or validate the 60 credits of the compulsory courses (including the master thesis), 30 credits of the professionnal focus (students have to choose one of the 3 options) and 30 credits optional courses.

Ideally, students enrolling in the master program should have acquired the skills and knowledge corresponding to the 40 credits in "Biomedical" offered as part of the bachelor program in engineering.

Focus courses


Choose one of the following options (25 credits during B1 and 5 credits during B2):


Biomechanics, Biomaterials & Tissues Engineering

BIOC0430-1Interactions materials - living systems (english language) B1Q125--3
MECA0139-1Additive manufacturing and 3D printing (english language) B1Q12626-5
PROT0430-3Biomedical robotics and active prostheses (english language) B1Q11510-3
GBIO0018-2Introduction to tissue engineering (english language) B1Q2205-4
MECA0008-1Microfluidics (english language) - [16h Laboratory work, 14h Projet] B1Q2228[+]5
MECA0036-2Finite Element Method (english language) - [40h Projet] B1Q22626[+]5
BIOM0631-1Human movement analysis (english language) - [15h Projet] B2Q13314[+]5

In silico medicine

ELEN0062-1Introduction to machine learning (english language) - [40h Projet] B1Q1305[+]5
INFO0939-1High performance scientific computing (english language) - [20h Projet] B1Q13015[+]5
MECA0036-2Finite Element Method (english language) - [40h Projet] B1Q22626[+]5
INFO8010-1Deep learning (english language) - [60h Projet] B1Q230-[+]5
SYST0022-1Linear Systems Design (english language) - [15h Projet] B1Q22626[+]5
GBIO0033-1Advances in in silico medicine (english language) B2Q12626-5

Neural systems

GNEU0001-1Principles of Neuroengineering (english language) - [26h Laboratory work, 15h Projet] B1Q126-[+]5
ELEN0074-1Sensors, microsensors and instrumentation (english language) - [20h Laboratory work] B1Q230-[+]5
SYST0022-1Linear Systems Design (english language) - [15h Projet] B1Q22626[+]5
SYST0017-1Neurodynamics (english language) B1Q12626-5
PHYS0128-1Magnetic Resonance Imaging - the Basics (english language) - [3d Field work] B2Q115-[+]3
GBIO0034-1Neuroimaging data analysis (english language) B2Q1105-2
GBIO0035-1Advanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging (english language) B1Q1---5

Compulsory courses from the core curriculum

GBIO0029-1Bioelectronics (english language) - [20h Laboratory work, 20h Projet] B1Q13015[+]5
GBIO0012-2Biomechanics (english language) - [1d Field work] B1Q12626[+]5
GBIO0008-2Medical imaging (english language) - [8h Laboratory work, 1d Field work] B1Q23312[+]5
GBIO0014-2In silico medicine B1Q23030-5
Medical device design projects (Service Learning) (english language) - [8h Laboratory work, 1d Field work]
Physiologie des systèmes
Biologie générale et cellulaire
Biophysique et biochimie
GEST3162-1Principles of management (english language) - [25h Projet] B1Q130-[+]5
ATFE0016-1Master thesis (including introduction to research methodology) - [750h Projet] B2TA--[+]25

Optional courses from the core curriculum


Optional courses and compulsory internship
Choose 30 credits from the following list :

Compulsory internship (choose between the 3 ECTS and 8 ECTS version)
ASTG0024-1Immersion internship (english language) B2TA---8
ASTG9007-1Observation internship (english language) B2TA---3

Optional courses

The thematic structuring is indicative only. You can choose amongst all the listed courses regardless of the option chosen in the professional focus.
The subjects GBIO0001-1, GBIO0025-1 et GBIO0026-1 are corequisite to some compulsory courses of the master program. They must be taken as a priority, unless they were already taken as part of the bachelor in engineering, or unless the corresponding knowledge and skills have been acquired previously.

Biomedical engineering & sciences

GBIO0001-1Biophysics and Biochemistry - [6h Projet] B2Q12923[+]5
GBIO0016-1Introduction to systems and synthetic biology (english language) B2Q22626-5
GBIO0022-1Biomimicry (english language) - [45h Projet] B2TA15-[+]5
GBIO0025-1General and cell biology B2Q23610-5
GBIO0026-1Systems physiology B2Q22626-5
LABO0432-3Techniques for cells and tissue cultures B2Q2820-2
LABO0432-1Techniques for cells and tissue cultures B2Q1820-2
Notice : Courses which can only be chosen by students who are repeating the year
SBIM0495-2Molecular and cellular basis of disease (english language) - [40h Personal research] B2Q22010[+]7

Biomechanics, Biomaterials & Tissues Engineering

CHIM0604-2Chemistry and organic materials B2Q23319-5
CHIM9319-1Chemistry and technology of polymers (english language) - [10h Projet, 12h Laboratory work] B2Q230-[+]5
CHIM9320-1Introduction to chemical reaction engineering B2Q12424-5
Manufacturing processes (english language) - [15h Laboratory work, 11h Projet, 0,5d Field work] B2Q230-[+]5
Materials selection (english language) - [30h Projet, 1d Field work] B2Q12626[+]5
MECA0516-1Mechanical properties of biological and bioinspired materials (english language) - [4h Laboratory work] B2Q12622[+]5

In silico medicine

BIOL0021-1Biology of the systems - [10h Monitored workshops] B2Q110-[+]2
ELEN0016-2Computer vision (english language) - [50h Projet] B2Q13010[+]5
GBIO0015-1A tour in genetic epidemiology (english language) - [60h Projet] B2Q21515[+]3
GBIO0030-1Computational approaches to statistical generics (english language) - [35h Projet] B2Q22515[+]5
GBIO0031-1Learning from genomic data (english language) - [150h Projet] B2Q2--[+]5
MATH0024-1Modelling with partial differential equations (english language) - [25h Projet] B2Q13020[+]5
MATH0471-2Multiphysics integrated computational project (english language) - [30h Projet] B2TA33-[+]5
MECA0010-1Uncertainty quantification and stochastic modelling (english language) - [28h Projet] B2Q11616[+]5

Neural systems

ELEN0448-1Applied Electricity and Electronics (english language) B2Q12626-5
ELEN0037-1Microelectronics and IC design (english language) - [40h Projet] B2Q23020[+]5
ELEN0062-1Introduction to machine learning (english language) - [40h Projet] B2Q1305[+]5
ELEN0074-1Sensors, microsensors and instrumentation (english language) - [20h Laboratory work] B2Q230-[+]5
GNEU0002-1Brain Inspired Computing (english language) - [20h Projet] B2Q22520[+]5
GNEU0003-1Neuromorphic Signal Processing (english language) - [20h Projet] B2Q22520[+]5
GNEU0004-1Computational cognitive modelling (english language) B2Q12626-5

Other optional courses

PROJ0011-2Personal student project (english language) - [150h Projet] B2TA--[+]5
GNEU0001-1Principles of Neuroengineering (english language) - [26h Laboratory work, 15h Projet] B2Q126-[+]5
INFO8006-1Introduction to artificial intelligence (english language) - [45h Projet] B2Q12520[+]5
PHYS0128-1Magnetic Resonance Imaging - the Basics (english language) - [3d Field work] B2Q115-[+]3
SYST0017-1Neurodynamics (english language) B2Q12626-5
SYST0020-1Introduction to microsystems and microtechnology (english language) - [4h Laboratory work, 20h Projet] B2Q22418[+]5
SYST0022-1Linear Systems Design (english language) - [15h Projet] B2Q22626[+]5
GBIO0033-1Advances in in silico medicine (english language) B2Q12626-5
MECA0036-2Finite Element Method (english language) - [40h Projet] B2Q22626[+]5
INFO0939-1High performance scientific computing (english language) - [20h Projet] B2Q13015[+]5
INFO8010-1Deep learning (english language) - [60h Projet] B2Q230-[+]5
GBIO0018-2Introduction to tissue engineering (english language) B2Q2205-4
MECA0008-1Microfluidics (english language) - [16h Laboratory work, 14h Projet] B2Q2228[+]5
MECA0139-1Additive manufacturing and 3D printing (english language) -Q12626-5
PROT0430-3Biomedical robotics and active prostheses (english language) B2Q11510-3
BIOC0430-1Interactions materials - living systems (english language) B2Q125--3
BIOM0631-1Human movement analysis (english language) - [15h Projet] B2Q13314[+]5
[...] With the agreement of the jury, choose 5 credits in any course programme of the University or from the UNIC course catalog.-

Bridging courses Master in biomedical engineering

Notice : The program of each candidate will be determined by the Jury according to his previous training. If a candidate does not master certain prerequisites, his program may include up to 60 credits of additional courses mainly from the list below :

Optional courses

[...] Choose 1 to 30 credits from :-
GBIO0025-1General and cell biology B0Q23610-5
GBIO0026-1Systems physiology B0Q22626-5
GBIO0002-1Genetics and bioinformatics (english language) - [15h Projet] B0Q13015[+]5
GBIO0011-1Biological Systems Modelling B0Q22626-5
GBIO0001-1Biophysics and Biochemistry - [6h Projet] B0Q12923[+]5
GBIO0021-1Laboratory Project - [16h Laboratory work, 8h Projet] B0Q2-44[+]5
GBIO0013-1Phenomenon of Transport in Biology B0Q22626-5
GBIO0005-1Introduction to cognitive neurosciences B0Q12626-5
[...] To this list may be added, within the limit of 60 credits, other technical courses depending on the skills acquired by the student.-

Bridging courses Master in biomedical engineering

Notice : The program of each candidate will be determined by the Jury according to his previous training. If a candidate does not master certain prerequisites, his program may include up to 60 credits of additional courses mainly from the list below :

Optional courses

[...] Choose 31 to 60 credits from :-
GBIO0025-1General and cell biology B0Q23610-5
GBIO0026-1Systems physiology B0Q22626-5
GBIO0002-1Genetics and bioinformatics (english language) - [15h Projet] B0Q13015[+]5
GBIO0011-1Biological Systems Modelling B0Q22626-5
GBIO0001-1Biophysics and Biochemistry - [6h Projet] B0Q12923[+]5
GBIO0021-1Laboratory Project - [16h Laboratory work, 8h Projet] B0Q2-44[+]5
GBIO0013-1Phenomenon of Transport in Biology B0Q22626-5
GBIO0005-1Introduction to cognitive neurosciences B0Q12626-5
[...] To this list may be added, within the limit of 60 credits, other technical courses depending on the skills acquired by the student.-

Bridging courses M. biom engineering (gen.)

GBIO0025-1General and cell biology B0Q23610-5
GBIO0026-1Systems physiology B0Q22626-5
GBIO0002-1Genetics and bioinformatics (english language) - [15h Projet] B0Q13015[+]5
GBIO0011-1Biological Systems Modelling B0Q22626-5
GBIO0001-1Biophysics and Biochemistry - [6h Projet] B0Q12923[+]5
GBIO0021-1Laboratory Project - [16h Laboratory work, 8h Projet] B0Q2-44[+]5
GBIO0013-1Phenomenon of Transport in Biology B0Q22626-5
GBIO0005-1Introduction to cognitive neurosciences B0Q12626-5