2024-2025 / Master
Management, professional focus in Impact Entrepreneurship (Erasmus Mundus : Impact Entrepreneurship)
120 credits
2024-2025 / Master
120 credits
Impact Entrepreneurship refers to the process favoring the creation and growth of enterprises that are ethical, transparent, and have a meaningful impact on our lives and society
Our societies are currently facing major changes and challenges. In that perspective, the United Nations has published the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development that relies on 17 goals (SDGs) that require urgent action. Such an agenda requires innovations that matter! But to bring innovative ideas into reality, our societies badly need more entrepreneurs with mindsets, skills, and a sense of purpose to thrive in a rapidly changing world. Impact Entrepreneurship refers to the process favoring the creation and growth of enterprises that are ethical, transparent and have a meaningful impact on our lives and society.
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