2024-2025 / YTFE1004-1

Professional portfolio


Number of credits

 Advanced Master in University and Higher Education Pedagogy16 crédits 


Pascal Detroz, Dominique Verpoorten


Pascal Detroz

Language(s) of instruction

English language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the second semester


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

Throughout your Formasup training, you reflected critically on your teaching practices. You also nourished your reflections with pedagogical models and theories. Your reflections led you to identify some of the strengths and weaknesses of your teaching practices and to think out ways to improve them.
Writing your teaching portfolio should enable you to review your Formasup experiences, their influence on your professional development and your perspectives of further development. Your portfolio will show evidence of your reflective approach to your teaching practices. Your portfolio has to be written according to a standard structure.
Your teaching portfolio will be the crowning achievement of one year of active engagement in higher education pedagogy. Writing a portfolio is a demanding task. Professional organizations validate the pedagogical expertise of teachers to be promoted on the basis of such portfolios.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

Formasup targets the professional development of teachers in higher education. In concrete terms, the Formasup programme focuses on progress related to 5 competencies (DETAR model): Designing a course which is coherent, meaningful and which facilitates students' learning; Equiping the teaching practice with the appropriate resources, tools, technologies; Teaching in a way that fosters students' motivation, activity and engagement;  Assessing learning and providing feed-back on performance; Regulating your teaching practices through a reflection fed by classroom investigations. 
Writing your teaching portfolio should help you organize your progress regarding the development of those 5 competencies in a coherent way.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

· You have performed the end-of-course assessment tasks prescribed for the following 2 courses: "Framing and analysis of teaching and evaluation practices" (PESU0016-5) and "Advanced issues and regulation of teaching and evaluation practices" (PESU0017-5).
· You have passed your optional courses amounting altogether to 8 ECTS.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Writing your teaching portfolio corresponds to the end-of-programme assessment task. The learning activities in which you took part throughout your Formasup training constitute a gradual preparation for the writing of your portfolio inasmuch as those activities deal with various aspects of higher education pedagogy that you will have to appropriate and to integrate into your portfolio.
Detailed instructions and evaluation criteria concerning the portfolio are to be found in the online learning environment dedicated to Formasup. You will also get oral instructions during one of the face-to-face sessions or virtual classes.
Your portfolio will comprise 4 parts (see detailed description in the Formasup online environment):
1) A personal presentation in which you present yourself as a teacher engaged in professional development. You relate several experiences which contributed to your professional development up to now. You also describe your views of teaching and learning, your goals as a teacher...
2) You show evidence of your development of the Formasup competence "Teach in a way that fosters students' motivation, activity and engagement; in order to be able to inform each student about his/her progress; in order to facilitate learning in depth and lifelong learning". You demonstrate your ability to support your statements with factual and objectified elements (student productions, feedback information on productions, e-mails...).
3) You relate in a critical and reflective manner the public communication you organized in your institution or outside of it (at a conference, a congress...). Organizing such communication aims at making you share significant aspects of your Formasup experience with colleagues or with other persons engaged in higher education pedagogy and to take advantage of reactions and advice.
4) You describe perspectives of further professional development in order to demonstrate that you have ideas about how you could go on developing and improving as a teacher.
You append your course syllabus (see summative evaluation of course PESU0016) and your article on course regulation (see summative evaluation of course PESU0017) to your portfolio.
If you are an educational counsellor, the instructions regarding the portfolio will slightly differ from those described above. They will be determined according to the tasks you usually perform as an educational counsellor.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

At the end of your Formasup training, you submit your teaching portfolio to summative assessment and you defend it in front of a jury of 3 persons. If you defend your portfolio via videoconference, you will have to make sure that an official representative of your institution attends the videoconference in order to guarantee the legality of the examination proceedings.

Course materials and recommended or required readings

There are no specific required readings in relation to the teaching portfolio. However, the recommended or required readings and the material associated with the Formasup courses PESU0016-5 ("Framing and analysis of teaching and evaluation practices") and PESU0017-5 ("Advanced issues and regulation of teaching and evaluation practices") and with the optional courses may be of some use to you while writing your portfolio. Portfolios from previous years can be provided by the IFRES' coaching staff. 

· Your teaching portfolio and its oral presentation and defense in front of a jury will make up 34 points out of the maximum 100 points of your Formasup final grade.
· The minimum required grade is 10/20.
· Evaluation criteria concern the reflective quality of your descriptions and analyses to be carried out according to the oral (see face-to-face session or virtual class) and written (see instruction handout to be found in the online environment) instructions.
· You send 5 paper copies of your portfolio by post to the IFRES' office and you deposit an electronic version of it in the Formasup online learning environment.

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

See the organizational specifications formulated in the section entitled "Assessment methods and criteria".


Pascal Detroz Tel : 04.366.98.23Mail : p.detroz@ulg.ac.be Dominique Verpoorten Tel : 04.366.98.38 Mél : dverpoorten@ulg.ac.be

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