2024-2025 / SDOC0048-1

Protein purification


15h Th

Number of credits

 Doctoral training in sciences (BMCB)3 crédits 
 Doctoral training in sciences (Biology of organisms and ecology)3 crédits 
 Doctoral training in sciences (Chemistry)3 crédits 
 Doctoral training in sciences (Geography)3 crédits 
 Doctoral training in sciences (Geology)3 crédits 
 Doctoral training in sciences (Mathematics)3 crédits 
 Doctoral training in sciences (Oceanography)3 crédits 
 Doctoral training in sciences (Physics)3 crédits 
 Doctoral training in sciences (Environmental sciences and management)3 crédits 
 Doctoral training in sciences (Space sciences)3 crédits 
 Doctoral training in sciences (Teaching of sciences)3 crédits 


Moreno Galleni, André Matagne, N...


André Matagne

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the second semester


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

I. Strategy (part 1); II. Theory of chromatography; III. Extraction, precipitation, concentration, dialysis ; IV. Size exclusion chromatography; V. Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography; VI. Ion exchange; VII. Affinity chromatography; VIII. Other chromatographic methods; IX. Analytical methods for protein analysis (incl. mass spectrometry); X. Strategy (part 2); XI. Scale-up

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

The aim of these lectures is to teach students fundamentals in protein purification methods.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

The language used for the lectures will be english

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Lectures, given with the help of powerpoint presentations, blackboard and white chalk. Furthermore, a laboratory visit will be organized to present AKTA systems.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)


Course materials and recommended or required readings

Lecture notes will be available for free (on behalf of the graduate school SFMBBM°.
Refernce book:
Scopes, R.K., Protein purification. Principles and Practice, 3rd Edition, Springer-Verlag, 1994

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

Students should register with Fabienne Julémont (fjulemont@ulg.ac.be) as soon as possible (program is generally available in May early).


André Matagne or Moreno Galleni, Centre d'Ingénierie des Protéines, Département des Sciences de la Vie, Institut de Chimie B6, Allée de la Chimie, 3, Université de Liège, B4000 Liège (Sart-Tilman)

Association of one or more MOOCs