10h Th, 10h Pr
Number of credits
Language(s) of instruction
French language
Organisation and examination
Teaching in the second semester
Units courses prerequisite and corequisite
Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program
Learning unit contents
Today, the scientist can not stay out-of-reach. First, (s)he must try to motivate young people to undertake science studies, in order to avoid the predicted shortage of scientists in the years to come. Moreover, every project, notably at the European level, must include an outreach part, to inform all citizens of the use of public money. Finally, a good communication of science helps in fighting obscurantism and promoting research policies. It should also be noted that many current debate sactually concern scientific matters (GMOs, cloning, climate change) : only well informed citizens can really discuss these questions, and shape the future policies.
Communicating science is therefore very important, but it should not be improvised. The goal of this course is to prepare scientists to communicate. It will begin by a presentation of the stakes of such an activity, and of the means to do so. The University services that can help scientists in the diffusion of science will be presented. The course will continue with practical examples : written and oral communication, towards the media, the general public, and the schools. As nothing replaces experience, quite some time will be left in the course for applying the learned skills.
Learning outcomes of the learning unit
This course provides the bases of the communication of Science and Techniques. It contains a theoretical part of the aims and stakes of that domain, as well as numerous practical examples. The learned skills will permit the students to undertake a better outreach and will in fact also help the students for any communication exercise, including towards the peers.
Prerequisite knowledge and skills
Scientific cursus. Students in human sciences are indeed welcome to participate. Experience shows that having worked at least one year on his/her PhD thesis eases learning.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
On a subject of their choice, linked to the domain of their PhD, the students will prepare a short popular talk (10m) and a short popular article (both should be accessible to the general public). They will also try their media skills by writing a press release (1p) and answering an interview. Finally, if possible, they will participate to the "Printemps des Sciences" (or to any school animation) as a member of their department team, in order to be confronted to schools.
Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)
Face-to-face course
Additional information:
5 theoretical lessons of 2h, 5 exercises.
Course materials and recommended or required readings
A copy of the slide show, together with a few notes, will be provided to the students. All these documents are made available exclusively for a strictly personal and private use, and shall not be shared with a third party. If a student wants to record a lesson, he/she must ask the teacher's authorization and sign the adequate copyright form (which also requires non-sharing).
the students will be evaluated throughout the year, on the basis of the exercises.
Work placement(s)
Organisational remarks and main changes to the course
Lessons are taught in January-February. To maximize the individual pedagogical return, only 20 students can be accepted for one session. Early registration is possible. Note that this course is not recommended for students in their first PhD year.
Yaël Nazé, 04 366 97 20, office #2/12 of Bat B5C (Astrophysics & Geophysics), ynaze@uliege.be
Association of one or more MOOCs
Items online
Notes et references
Dias des cours et références utiles en pdf.