2024-2025 / MARK9302-1

International Marketing Seminar


30h Th

Number of credits

 Master in business engineering, professional focus in digital business5 crédits 
 Master in business engineering, professional focus in Financial Engineering5 crédits 
 Master in business engineering, professional focus in Intrapreneurship and Management of Innovation Projects5 crédits 
 Master in business engineering, professional focus in sustainable performance management5 crédits 
 Master in business engineering, professional focus in Supply Chain Management and Business Analytics5 crédits 
 Master in business engineering, professional focus in science and technology5 crédits 
 Extra courses intended for exchange students (Erasmus, ...)5 crédits 


Claire Gruslin


Claire Gruslin

Language(s) of instruction

English language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the first semester, review in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

The course is based on Doole, I., Lowe, R., & Kenyon, A. J. (2019). International marketing strategy: Analysis, development and implementation (Eighth edition). specifically chapters 1-8 and the topics covered in the sessions.

The student presentations from days 2 and 3 will also be part of the exam and will be provided in electronic form.

All scripts and assignments will be provided to the students in electronical form.

Instructors' powerpoint and uploaded videos

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

Overall objectives At the end of the seminar, students shall be able to apply key frameworks and theories to analyze marketing-related issues on an international level in a strategic and analytical way to support the decision-making process of Chief Executives of any organization.
Key learning outcomes
The Strategic Marketing seminar contributes to the following Key Learning Outcomes (KLO):

  • Strategy (KLO1): Establish a strategy in order to optimize the value chain of a company...
    ... based on the analysis of its financial and economic context. ... taking into account its political, social, and societal context. ... taking into account its legal constraints. ... adopting the position of a marketing specialist. ... demonstrating a critical mind and scientific precision.
  • Implementation (KLO2): Take charge of the everyday management of a company, and more especially of a project related to strategic marketing...
    ... working efficiently in an international and multidisciplinary team, among others in a leading position. ... analyzing one's managerial practice with a critical and ethical mind.
  • Communication (KLO4): Communicate efficiently about a company...
    ... in at least two languages, including English and French. ... taking into account the multicultural and international features of their environment.
  • Adaptability (KLO5): Adapt one's managerial practice to the needs of a fast-evolving world...
    ... being conscious of its societal, economic, political, and environmental issues. ... showing curiosity and a scientific precision of academic level. ... showing creativity, autonomy, and entrepreneurial spirit. ... developing one's expertise in a lifelong learning perspective.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

The students are required to participate actively during the group sessions. Accordingly, they need a good proficiency level in spoken and written English.
Each student should have followed at least one course of Basics/Principles in Marketing prior to taking the International Marketing Seminar

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Sessions one to three: Learning by teaching

After a general introduction to the topic and the organization of the course in the first session, the students will create the above-mentioned "assignment groups" (maximum 4 students). Within those groups, until the next session, students are tasked to make themselves familiar with and prepare a teaching session/presentation of maximum 20 minutes on one of the fundamental topics in the context of international marketing. This teaching session/presentation is then presented to the rest of the course on days two and three. This serves the goal to bring all students up to the same level of knowledge. At the end of day 3, the groups will receive some project work or case studies. The goal is to prepare a 10-15 minutes presentation for peer discussion in the next session, which 4-6 groups will then present (either voluntarily or chosen by the lecturer).

Sessions four to ninth: 

Presentations on the development of an international marketing plan (development of the group assignment) / peer discussions and feedback / collective learning / case studies

The sessions will start with the presentations of the work that the student groups prepared during the course of the time since the last meeting (~60-90 mins). This is conducted in order to provide peer discussions and feedback, ways of improvement, and a discussion, that is supposed to help the presenting group as well as the other students in the development of their marketing strategy, and highlight critical issues in other countries/industries to the non-presenting students.

This is followed by a collective learning phase (~60-90 mins), where new input is provided by the lecturer through presentations and/or a contemporary business case. Key questions, issues and possible solutions are discussed with the students.

Additionally, a conclusion (~15 mins) of the day is provided, using a classroom response system (e.g. www.wooclap.com), by which the students will be able to give immediate feedback on the session (e.g. what was the most important part? What remains unclear? What was the muddiest point of the session?), to which the teacher will respond to at the beginning of the next session, before a brief outlook at this next session will be given.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Remote course

Additional information:

Hybrid course

F2F: Face to Face, REM: remotely by using Teams

  • Thursday, 22 September 2021, 13:30 PM - 16:30 PM (F2F) Getting everyone up to speed
  • Thursday, 29 September 2021, 13:30 PM - 16:30 PM (REM) Getting everyone up to speed
  • Thursday, 06 October 2021, 13:30 PM - 16:30 PM (REM) Getting everyone up to speed
  • Thursday, 20 October 2021, 09:30 AM - 12:30 PM (REM) Situation Analysis (1) - Market selection
  • Friday, 28 October 2021, 13:30 PM - 16:30 PM (REM) Situation Analysis (2) - Market selection
  • Thursday, 03 November 2021, 13:30 PM - 16:30 PM (REM) Situation Analysis (3) - Firm's resources, capabilities, offerings and competitors
  • Thursday, 10 November 2021, 13:30 PM - 16:30 PM (F2F) Strategy Development - Corporate and Marketing Strategy
  • Thursday, 17 November 2021, 09:30 AM - 12:30 PM (REM) Marketing Mix Strategy
  • Thursday, 15 December 2021, 13:30 AM - 12:30 PM (F2F) Marketing Mix (Implementation), Control and feedback
10.In November all groups should arrange a 20 minutes coaching session (Teams) with me for the group project.

Online in Teams:

Course materials and recommended or required readings

Required readings:
The course is based on Doole, I., Lowe, R., & Kenyon, A. J. (2019). International marketing strategy: Analysis, development and implementation (Eighth edition). All scripts and assignments will be provided to the students in electronical form.
The book is available for purchase for around 60€ from amazon:  https://www.amazon.com/dp/1473758742/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_zCJuFbF82GQGW

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire )

Written work / report

Additional information:

First session of examination (January)

  • Individual evaluation (60%) - The International Marketing Seminar examination in January is a written individual exam with multiple choice and open-ended questions covering Doole, I., Lowe, R., & Kenyon, A. J. (2019). International marketing strategy: Analysis, development and implementation (Eighth edition), and specifically focused on the topics covered in the sessions. To prepare for the exam, carefully review Doole, I., Lowe, R., & Kenyon, A. J. (2019). International marketing strategy: Analysis, development and implementation (Eighth edition), specifically chapters 1-8 and the topics covered in the sessions. The student presentations from days 2 and 3 will also be part of the exam and will be provided in electronic form. Finally, students should study the slides and watch the videos which will be uploaded on Lola.
  • Group evaluation (40%): International marketing strategy developed in group work based on the assignments in each class, to be submitted by December 20, 2021. The international marketing strategy will be the result of the group work assignments given in each session. For these assignments, students will be divided into groups of max. 4 in the first session. These groups are final for the whole duration of the seminar. For a company (choice of several) within a certain country (choice of several), the groups will then step-by-step develop the international marketing strategy based on the assignments at the end of the sessions. It is expected that the groups apply the concepts and models they learned about in the sessions when developing their marketing strategy. It is imperative to give reasons, cite evidence, and explain all choices made in the marketing strategy. The full marketing strategy should comprise of either one 10-page word document per group (.doc or .docx), Times New Roman, 12pts, single space lines and 2.5cm margins, tables and figures are allowed. Furthermore, students should prepare a video presentation with the main points of the International marketing strategy group project. The marketing strategy is to be submitted in Lola by December 20, 2021.
To pass the course, students need to obtain a grade of at least 10/20 in each evaluation (individual and group evaluation).

Second session of examination (August-September)

  • Oral exam (individual evaluation) (60%) - Carefully review Doole, I., Lowe, R., & Kenyon, A. J. (2019). International marketing strategy: Analysis, development and implementation (Eighth edition), specifically chapters 1-8 and the topics covered in the sessions. The student presentations from days 2 and 3 will also be part of the exam and will be provided in electronic form. Students should study the slides and watch the videos which will be uploaded on Lola.  The exam questions will be of the same style as the ones of the first session. 
AND/OR (Explanation follows below)

  • Assignment (individual evaluation) (40%) - Analyze a marketing strategy provided by the instructors according to what has been learned and discussed in class. Specifically answer the following questions: What would you improve? Why would you improve it? How would you improve it?

If students have failed the first session due to a failed individual evaluation, whereas they have participated successfully and scored more than 10 points on the group evaluation in the first session, then these students will have to take only the individual evaluation (oral exam) of the second session. In this second session the individual evaluation (oral exam) will again count for 60% of the overall grade, and the group evaluation from the first session will count for the other 40%.

If students have failed the first session due to a failed group evaluation, or if they did not participate in the group evaluation in the first session at all, whereas they have participated successfully and scored more than 10 points on the individual evaluation of the first session, then these students will have to take only the assignment of the second session. In this second session the assignment will again count for 40% of the overall grade, and the individual evaluation from the first session will count for the other 60%.

If students have failed or not participated in both the individual evaluation and the group evaluation of the first session, they have to take both the oral exam and the assignment in the second session. Individual evaluation will count for the other 60% and assignment 40%.

The overall grading will be based on two different examinations:

  • 60% Individual evaluation: The final written multiple choice and open-ended questions exam 
  • 40% Group evaluation: The submitted international marketing strategy
Main assessment criteria for the group evaluation: 

  • Understanding of marketing concepts 
  • Congruent application of marketing concepts 
  • Analytical approach 
  • Critical approach 
  • The rigor, concision and depth of your analysis 
  • The congruence and creativity of your decisions 
  • Oral and written communication

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

Attendance is compulsory; it is important to participate in every session. We only excuse your absence to the class in case of an imperious reason (such as sickness, family emergency)
Additional information and material about the seminar will be provided exclusively via Lol@. Students should therefore regularly check the online platform to be up to date!


Instructor: Ioannis Assiouras (iassiouras@univ-catholyon.fr) (email for appointment)

Course coordinatorClaire Gruslin.  Should you have any questions with regard to the seminar, please do contact the coordinator first.

Office hours: by appointment only

Association of one or more MOOCs