30h Th
Number of credits
Master in management, professional focus in Social Enterprise Management and Transition | 5 crédits |
Language(s) of instruction
English language
Organisation and examination
Teaching in the second semester
Units courses prerequisite and corequisite
Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program
Learning unit contents
This course enables to discover and experience the concept, the process and the actors of social innovation, i.e. the generation and implementation of new solutions to social and environmental needs. The course is structured along the main steps of the social innovation process and is inspired by the principles of design thinking. It includes an important practical dimension through the development of social innovation project by participants themselves in a logic of service learning.
Learning outcomes of the learning unit
In coherence with the Intended Learning Outcomes of the Master in Management program and more particularly of its specialization in "Social Enterprise Management and Transition", at the end of this learning unit, students will be able to:
- Identify the dynamics of and opportunities for social innovation in different historical and geographical contexts
- Master and implement the different steps of the social innovation process
- Develop empathy and creativity skills to generate solutions that are both innovative and adapted to the users' needs
Prerequisite knowledge and skills
A course in innovation and/or entrepreneurship is an asset
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Each class will include:
- the presentation of theoretical and conceptual elements by the teacher, using Powerpoint slides
- empirical illustrations brought by the teacher and also sometimes by a guest speaker
Some classes will be more specifically devoted to practical exercises enabling to master tools that can be useful in managing social innovation projects.
In parallel, in line with the service learning approach, students wll have to act (in teams) as "consultants" for organisations that are involved in a social innovation development process.
Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)
Face-to-face course
Additional information:
This course is delivered face-to-face. Active participation of each student is compulsory.
Course materials and recommended or required readings
The virtual platform Lol@ (lola.hec.uliege.be) will be used to post:
- The Powerpoint presentations used during the classes
- Articles supporting the course contents
Written work / report
Continuous assessment
Additional information:
The evaluation will be based on:
- A group work following a service learning logic, composed of preparation sessions and intermediary presentations during the classes, as well as a final deliverable to be presented in front of a jury at the end of the year (50%)
- A reflexive individual work enabling to connect the theoretical contents with a practical case (50%)
Work placement(s)
Organisational remarks and main changes to the course
Prof. Frédéric Dufays